Huawei MA5800x17 OLT

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X17 OLT Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 2xDC power board Control board:MPLA Power board:PILA

Huawei MA5800x15 OLT

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X15 OLT Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 2xDC power board Control board:MPLA Power board:PILA

Huawei MA5800x7 OLT

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X15 OLT Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 2xDC power board Control board:MPLA Power board:PILA

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X2 OLT

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X2 OLT Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 1x power board Control board:MPSC,MPSA,MPSG Power board:PISA,PISB

Huawei SmartAX MA5683T OLT

Huawei SmartAX MA5683t OLT Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 2x power board,2xUplink board Control board:SCUN,SCUL Power board:PRTE Uplink board:GICF,GICG,GICK,X1CA,X2CA,X2CS    

Huawei SmartAX MA5680T OLT

Huawei SmartAX MA5680T OLT Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 2x power board,2xUplink board Control board:SCUN,SCUH Power board:PRTE Uplink board:GICF,X2CS

Huawei SmartAX MA5608T OLT

Huawei SmartAX MA5608T OLT Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 1x power board Control board:MCUD,MCUD1 Power board:MPWD,MPWC

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-GP16

Huawei MA5801-GP16 OLT terminal with 16*GPON ports, 4*10GE/GE upstream ports,Dual AC/DC power supply

ZXA10 C600 OLT

ZTE ZXA10 C600 Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 2xDC power board Control board:SFUC,SFUB,SFUL,SFUK,SFUM Power board:PRVR

ZXA10 C650 OLT

ZTE ZXA10 C650 Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 2xDC power board Control board:SFUC,SFUB Power board:PRVR

ZXA10 C620 OLT

ZTE ZXA10 C620 Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 1xDC power board&1xAC power board Control board:SFUC Power board:PRSF DC Power board:PRAF AC      

ZXA10 C300 OLT

ZTE ZXA10 C300 Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 2xDC power board,2xUplink board Control board:SCXM,SCXN,SCTM Power board:PRWH Uplink board:HUVQ,HUTQ,GUFQ,XUTQ,GUSQ

ZXA10 C320 OLT

ZTE ZXA10 C320 Chassis with 2xcontrol board, 1xAC power board Control board:SMXA(11);SMXA(31); Power board:PRAM

ZXA10 C610 OLT

ZTE ZXA10 C610 Chassis with 4 x GE/10GE Uplink ports, 8 Pon or 16 Pon ports flexible configuration.